April 21, 2016


I got a new bag.
There's a new coffee shop.
He just released his new album.
This is my new friend…
I got a new car coz the old one was broken…
We’re always talking about the #NEW but never mention the OLD. The only time we talk about the OLD is just to justify the #NEW.
We never think about the fact that the OLD used to be #NEW, and the current #NEW will be the next OLD -- just how long can we maintain this freshness?
We buy a fish from the market. From the moment we take it away, its freshness drops from 100% to 90%…as time passes, by the time we arrive home, it's 60% fresh. We turn away, take a business call for a minute....and after that call the fish just ain't that fresh anymore. It might go smelly…then eventually we can't stand it anymore, so we throw it away.
The transition from #NEW to OLD is kinda similar to Born to Die, it's something we can't change or turn back since we both know that time machines don't (yet) exist!
so does our relationships,even you were met a man of integrity,but doesn’t means he can maintain his freshness on you all the time,them are integrity and smart,both of them all know how to use and replace their meal before it loses freshness…
it seems that men can get out of a relationship with loses freshness,but apparently,the usual hypersensitive women goes far from sensitive when they are fall in a relationships
in love relationship,the most important part is family(in personally),there are days you love them,and others you don’t,but in the end,they are the people you always come home to…what about the #NEW and OLD,i think…it’s just a part of something called physiologically,seventy-seven percent of all long-time-relationship are sexless,but other things are much more important than,like family…so when you hunting someone #NEW,how many #NEW become emotionally involved(family)?
to Freshness Hunter,
and as you move from #NEW to OLD and #NEW to OLD,the game finding #NEW is far from #NEW.do you ever really love the one you’ve been with  or were you just addicted to the game #NEW to OLD?
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